Sound Mechanism

institute for interanimation

Developed at the University of Virginia in September 2017, Phase 3 is ii’s first public environment, a collective experiment combining live streaming media, responsive visual and musical systems, virtual realities, physical interfaces, and manipulative media. Click for more.

8 square

The 8 Square is a self contained musical instrument consisting of eight button-triggered tunable square wave synthesizers. Each of the eight synths can be tuned to any pitch the musician desires. The design incorporates two centrally located 1 in. speakers.

The Rapparatus

This piece is made possible with a 2014 Nice Grant. The large kinetic sculpture music machine was designed to function and interact with vocal performers. The Rapparatus made it's debut during Optical Popsicle 7 with musician Scoot Dubs at the Indianapolis Museum of Art.


The Study Buddy is a Bluetooth equipped portable speaker set fashioned from recycled books. It is designed to be a quirky and fun addition to bookshelf decor.

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